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Comments (5)

Bretl - 25 January 09:45

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See - 18 January 19:12

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Jonathon - 18 December 16:44

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Wildfong - 9 April 23:25

Was all good until shit came out her ass.

Santo - 25 October 15:07

OK I' ll fuck her but only because she asks, I' ll bet her pussy tastes real sweet! Geweldig! Zo' n mooie vrouw! My wife is outside enjoying the annual Xmas party but I just can' t help being seduced by my blonde slut of an executive assistant. She strips off her red lingerie languidly in the dressing room and stares at me with those big smoky blue eyes with unabashed lust. That incredible body, that sweet little shaved pussy, those fabulous tits all for the taking. my cock is HARD as rock and bursting to take the bitch long hard and deep

Pasty - 13 January 18:38

best sex ever!

Mineau - 27 May 08:26

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