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Comments (4)

Yasmine - 5 August 07:10

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Cleopatra - 7 December 10:58

Le bar Lulu White vous garantit une ambiance intimiste et sensuelle dans un cadre chic et élégant.

Russ - 15 January 21:53


Peggy - 23 February 03:21

4. When I actually see someone helping that person before me. I don't want to play the special person that breaks the rules, but I am very awkward socially. It can be a downside, but it also means I am often oblivious to the what will people think of me effect. I'm that girl who raises her hand after thirty seconds of silence in the classroom and goes Sir, what did that question even mean?

Bottiggi - 2 March 17:01


Ned - 29 August 09:53

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