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Comments (2)

Lavanchy - 4 February 13:08

Veux caresse dans lits, Je suis ici solitaire quand vous n’etes pas la!

Mcglocklin - 15 November 15:54

En este artículo, se analizan las novelas Putain , de Nelly Arcan , Pute de rue , de Roxane Nadeau y Bordel , de Camille Fortin para revelar los signos de agencia del personaje.

Morand - 2 January 11:00

Can someone help me explain why someone who is has been drinking cannot give consent? My friend was asking (complaining that if he and another person were dating had a drink or two and then had sex, how that scenario can be rape. I told him that if his partner said he/she was raped then it he/she was probably raped. but how do I articulate the problem with a drink or two? (He understands very drunk or passed out, but not a drink or two in).

Simmoms - 20 March 15:38

Yummy Op deze manier masturberen is m. i. toch leuker dan met een vibrator in je kut te zitten peuteren

Raybould - 27 April 05:20

Rikos culitos

Isolde. Age: 18
Agnes. Age: 28
Elenin. Age: 23