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Comments (9)

Stacy - 23 June 21:03

Magnifique kitty trouver homme pour le intime communication!

Jerald - 17 November 23:38

J e marchais au niveau de la Halle aux grains, j'allais prendre mon bus… Un jeune homme m'a demandé l'heure, je lui ai répondu. Originaire de Montrichard, Mélanie, 20 ans, participait samedi au rassemblement organisé en gare de Blois pour dénoncer ce genre de comportements.

Herbert - 16 October 22:34

You are an arrogant, fat black man with an average penis. Loser!

Dian - 19 October 03:30

I have been a fan of Ms. Deja since the 1990s!

Elias - 9 April 18:52

Whos here from leafy :)

Pinkie - 21 July 04:56

Is there a word for people who are homophobic toward gay men but okay with lesbianism? My parents have this problem and I have a hard time talking about this with them because they're just stubborn.