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Comments (10)

Bong - 1 February 13:30

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Hadiaris - 7 January 12:19

Thank you so much for this video. I recently realized how horribly the writers of TBBT treat the nerd characters and make fun of them. This video really shines more light on how they are always trying to get Sheldon into these sexual situations when it has been argued he is a asexual person. But they are always trying to fix him and recently this had bugged me greatly. This video reaffirmed that I am right in my disappointment of TBBT writers.

Bugay - 15 May 07:08

There's gotta' be more to this video, anyone ever seen it?

Brimfield - 7 March 20:43

I love in videos

Ruka - 16 April 14:46

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Wm - 12 November 06:38

Люда теплая, способная и активная. Молодец!